Thursday, January 7, 2010

What's that noise?

If you read my blog or if you know me personally, then you know my father has been facing big health struggles. He has been touch and go on many occasion. Well, after the latest bout of trouble, where he was encountering bowel obstruction issues, I went to my friends -- and again -- asked for prayer. The past several months seem to be me squawking for prayer. At least, that's what it seemed like to me, when I allowed myself to hear that little voice in my head that said, "Do you know what your friends do every time you ask for prayer for the latest thing going on in your life? They inwardly GROAN; that's what they do. Give it a break, already, you needy thing!"

Well, instead of recognizing it for what it is, I apologized to everyone for asking for prayer yet AGAIN. I truly felt badly about it. I really thought I was bothering people. Then, another friend asked for prayer for HER father, and I got on it right away. I find that when someone asks me to pray, I consider it an honor to be able to intercede before our heavenly Father. That still didn't convince me that I wasn't a bother to someone else, though.

Today is when it hit me. You see, I love geese. I'm fascinated with their migratory patterns, the way they communicate with each other, their formation as they fly. And there they were flying over head -- a massive amount of geese. Let's say I heard them before I saw them. Boy, are they loud! But boy, do they know how to communicate! While flying in their patterns, they are always communicating. They are constantly watching out for the weaker geese. They fly in the pattern they do so that the strongest are flying at the front, breaking the force of the wind for their comrades. The weakest and the oldest fly in the rear, where the wind resistance is least. As the geese in the front get tired, they communicate their needs and switch off with other geese who are more rested up. It is completely fascinating, and God spoke to me in the midst of remembering the geese.

In our journey through life, we cannot forsake the assembly of other believers. We need each other; we are not islands unto ourselves. God created us for relationship -- with Him and with others. The way that the enemy works on us is to isolate us, make us feel we are alone. We are NOT alone, especially if we make our requests known. We NEED to communicate our wants and desires through prayer, and we NEED to ask others to pray as well.

In my spiritual life, there are times when I have been extremely strong. I have witnessed and been part of awesome healings, deliverances and the like. But recently, I've become an injured goose. I need to rest back and let others lead and do some of the heavy spiritual work. There are times I'm strong enough to go back into the fray and lead. There's so much we can learn from the geese.

Christians need to be more like geese. Instead of smiling that fake plastered smile when someone in the faith asks how you are and saying, "I'm blessed beyond stressed" (which is a LIE), let your requests be known. Now, I'm not saying to be like Eeyore; what I'm saying is, we NEED to lift each other up. If you're down this morning, CALL SOMEONE in the faith that you know and ask them to pray for you. It's our jobs as Christians to suffer with our brothers and sisters when they're suffering, and to rejoice with them when they rejoice.

Besides, the prayers of the saints -- all of our prayers -- become sweet-smelling incense in heaven. I know -- I read Revelation recently to the children out of their children's Bible. We need to stop looking at prayer as a chore and look at it as beautiful perfume in the nostrils of our God and Savior. And it makes us a little more loving and caring of our brothers and sisters in the Lord -- and could possibly be the thing that turns the heart of our unbelieving friends, relatives and enemies towards the loving embrace of Jesus.

What's that noise? Just the sweet sound of prayer, that's all. May we lean upon You, today and every day, every hour, my Lord.