Saturday, October 4, 2008

My little business

I'm having fun writing a blog... I never thought I'd get into this, but I've been pushing that little button at the top of the blogs - "next blog", and I've discovered some cool places. There's somebody who's a "scrabookaholic" and there's a wonderful photographer out there in blogger space, whose brides end up getting pregnant -- must be in the water, he says. It's amazing how many different ideas and how much creativity is out there! Wow!

I was thinking about how people talk about their business, so I guess I have that ability to speak about mine. I have a printing/tee-shirt printing and design business. It all got started not so long after 9/11.

A year previously, my husband got hit head-on by a person who was talking on their cell phone. My hubby actually died three times on the way to the hospital, ended up in the hospital for 28 days, and now cannot walk like he used to. He can't run and is in pain every single day. This all happened while I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter. It was hard, but our church where we were living at the time was absolutely wonderful, and through God's help, we pulled through it all.

At any rate, I was working as a pharmacy tech at the time, and not having a very nice time with the new manager, when 9/11 happened. A very frightening occurrence, being that we lived a mere hour's train ride away from the city, and I had close relatives who live in the city. It was a horrendous time for our country. I was glued to the television screen, tears streaming down my face. It was like everything was raining down at once: my husband's accident, the birth of our daughter, my having to work away from her to get a pittance of money into the home, then the attack on our country -- it all rained down hard, like a torrent that flooded my innermost being.
Even in the midst of our darkest sorrows, the Lord is faithful and just to shine through the darkness and shine the light to a better tomorrow.
In that moment of sorrow, I used some photos, used text of my own, and created a shirt to show our support and sadness about what happened at The World Trade Center. I bought a five-pack of tee-shirt transfer paper at my store, and ironed on the design with my household iron. I placed the design on shirts for my family, and we wore the shirts to church that week. Someone asked me where I bought the shirt. When I told the lady that I created the shirt, she said that maybe I had found what God had in store for me to do, so that I could stay at home to take care of my children and husband, and make money doing it.

I never sold that first design, as I would have felt horrible making money from such a disaster. I remember saying that if God wanted me to design shirts, He'd have to give me some ideas, AS WELL AS teach me how to be an artist, as I never considered myself to be an artist as much as I considered myself to be a writer and voice-over whiz.

Suddenly, ideas started coming to me -- waves and waves of ideas. Before I married my husband, I was a copywriter and a voice-over artist; I had never considered myself an artist -- besides, my sister could paint and draw circles around me, as she's a "real" artist. But there they were, what I believe were God-given ideas, so I started drawing those ideas, coloring them in on the computer, and started selling some shirts here and there. Most asked me to create something special for them. I've learned quite a bit, yet there's so much to learn.
Since 2001, I've added full-color printing, utilizing my high-end photocopier. I've done memory cards, business cards and brochures, letterheads, ticket books, Christmas cards, and so much more. Just this week, I got a spiral binder machine. I've still got a long way to go to get where I want in this business world (for instance, I'd love to have a web-site), but with God's help, all will work together for good.

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