Thursday, October 16, 2008

Please read Pastor Ronnie's blog

Today is better than yesterday. Yesterday, I was a mess, and went to see a counselor. You see, on Tuesday evening, I was driving a parishioner home, and when we arrived, we came upon her husband. There were things going on in his life that we did not know about. He took his life. I tried to resuscitate him, after getting instructions from 911. I got cut off and called our neighbor next to the church, who is training to be a registered nurse. She came over to help. It was too late. The hospital tried their best. We all tried our best. I would not wish this experience on my worst enemy. The only one restoring my soul is God, Himself. I was talking to Marie when she commented about the photo on a previous posting. I went on there, myself, and saw this blog by Pastor Ronnie. Thank you, Pastor Ronnie -- you have no idea who I am, as I do not know you -- but God knew that I would read your blog and get some solace. Thank you. Please pray for his widow and his parents. I can't write anymore today.


My Little Nest said...

Becky, I am praying for you today. I'm so sorry for this family, and for you having to go through this.

Marie said...

We are praying for you, your family, your church. This is one of those times when you cannot make sense of the situation. The enemy may have had a little success here, but is ultimately doomed.

You will get through this.