Monday, January 26, 2009

Facebook and me

A few weeks ago, I was sent an invitation to join Facebook. I put it off, just as I put off writing my own blog, simply because I sometimes get afraid of doing something new.

After yet another invite, and some personal persuasion from my dear friend Marie, I decided to give Facebook a go.

There I was being asked questions about where I went to school, college, etc., so that I could re-connect with my old friends. I sat and thought... if I really wanted to reconnect with anyone from high school, who would I want to hear from the most? I figured I'd want to hear from Cynthia, Roberta, Kenny, Jill, Greg, and Dee-Dee the most. Three out of six ain't bad! It has been thrilling to catch up with my old friends, and it has warmed my heart greatly to find out what they have been up to for the past 25 years.

In addition, there are some who have asked to be my friend; that thought sometimes brings tears to my eyes, as I always felt like I didn't quite fit in, almost like a fish out of water. I wasn't permitted to do most of the fun things that my classmates were allowed to do, and it gave the appearance that I was stuck up to some. After I goofed off too much in 7th grade chorus, and I got in trouble for it, it was considered by my parents that I had had my chance at chorus, and blew it by my actions. So, I admired and yearned to be a member of chorus for the rest of my high school days.

Unfortunately, I was not a perfect person, but I felt I had to be perfect to be accepted. What a lie from the enemy! He knows that we will fail in our endeavors, and then will beat us up for it -- and then will give us the stick with which to beat ourselves further! Fear of failure and lack of perfection can make for lonely bedfellows, and that's just the way the enemy likes to see us, whether we're Christians or not -- feeling like lonely failures who are so far from perfect that we wonder if we can ever be looked upon with loving kindness from the King.

I feel God has allowed me to get on Facebook to show me the loving face of home. That's the great thing about reconnections and second chances... they remind us of how our wonderful Father gives us second, third, fourth, and more chances to be more like Him, while reconnecting us to His wonderful embrace and loving family!

(By the way, I'm the girl in the pink vest, making the goofy face... some things never change!)


Pastor Ronnie Robbins said...

Like you, I was asked to join Facebook. My request was first by some family members, and then some in my church. I have found it to be a great place to get connected with friends, and I have met some of my old friends, as well as have met some new ones. We can never get too many friends:)

Rebecca said...

Amen to that!

Kat said...

Cute picture Rebecca.... and I liked your blog on facebook. It's an interesting place.... I even have a blogger who speaks to me on facebook and asks me to BLOG when I fall behind. lol

glad we found each other. I will be reading more. Feel free to look me up on facebook as well.

kat tonnini souto
